Our Goal
Our goal is to draw students into a deeper, life-changing relationship with Jesus that leads them to be bold disciple-makers wherever they are. We aim to do this through worshipping together, studying the Word together, spending time together, and pushing each other closer to Jesus in everything we do!
Ongoing Events
Wednesday Night Worship
On Wednesday nights in the Teen Room from 6:30-7:30 PM, we spend time in worship and have a lesson together.
Sunday Nights
We will have various events, activities, and devotionals on Sunday nights. Please check the calendar for what is happening, and join the Group Me for more details.
Sunday Mornings
We believe it is important for students to be active in the church as a whole, not just the youth group. We invite our students to worship alongside the rest of the EB family on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. After worship we have EBY classes that start in the teen room each Sunday.
Reach out to Aubrey to join the EBY Group Me so you can stay in the loop about our gatherings.
Upcoming Events
February 17th - President's Day Movie Outing - Details will be shared on GroupMe
February 22nd - "MS Small Batch" - Details will be shared on GroupMe
March 2nd - Colombia Team Meeting from 12:30-2:00PM in the Teen Room
March 2nd - EBY Family Skate Night
March 5th - Worship Night in the Teen Room
March 9th - EBY & EBK Game Night in the Children's Center
March 15th-22nd - Denver Spring Break Mission Trip
March 23rd - House Party at the Litchfords - See Groupme for more details
April 6th - Colombia Team Meeting in the Teen Room
April 6th - Pickleball Tournament at the Robertson's
April 9th - Worship Night in the Teen Room
April 11th-13th - EBY Spring Retreat at Vision Camp in Huntsville AL
April 23rd - Worship Night in the Teen Room
April 27th - House Party
May 2nd - Senior Roast
May 7th - Worship Night in the Teen Room
May 18th - Colombia Team Meeting in the Teen Room
May 25th - Intern Summer Kick Off
May 30th-June 5th - Colombia Mission Trip
June 13th-16th - Impact JR.
June 16th-22nd - Impact SR.
June 27th-30th - Church Camp at Camp ToKnowHim
July 6th-10th - Huntsville Middle School Mission Trip
Meet our youth minister

Aubrey Wood began his ministry career at East Brainerd over 20 years ago. After a few other stops, Aubrey rejoined the East Brainerd staff in June of 2024. Aubrey is married to Robin and they have five children, Wyatt, Justus, Hurst, Kam, and Finely. Contact him at aubrey@eastbrainerdchurch.org
Stay Connected with EBY
Reach out to Aubrey, aubrey@eastbrainerdchurch.org, to be included in the EBY Teen and Parent GroupMe messages