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EB Life is a weekly podcast providing in-depth discussion and reflection on our weekly sermons. Join Sean White and lead minister, Chris Barnett, as they explore biblical teaching, practical applications, and have meaningful conversations to help you grow in faith and dig deeper into the weekly message.
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Growing Deeper with Garrett & Melissa Mitchell

Have you ever wanted to read the Bible more but don’t know where to start or what to do with what you find in it? Reading the Scriptures can be a daunting task. Most of us would say we believe it’s the inspired Word of God, but when it comes to really studying scripture, it can be intimidating and often we stop before we ever really get started.
A few years ago we decided to jump in with both feet and dedicate ourselves to reading scripture in context by doing chapter by chapter studies of different books of the Bible. We weren’t really sure what to expect. After all, isn’t the God of the Old Testament just about wrath and anger?
What we found wasn’t what we expected, and what it did to us, we never anticipated. We found a God who is “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness”. From start to finish the scriptures reveal this about God’s character with its climax in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. What it did to us was it made us fall in love. We fell in love with the God the scriptures reveal. We fell in love with hearing his word out-loud. We fell in love with reading scripture together and we grew deeper in love with each other.
We started this podcast so that you can join in this journey with us. It has changed us and we hope that we can be a conduit for it to change you too. So grab your Bible and grow deeper with us.
Garrett and Melissa have been married for nine years. They have two children, Caleb and Sadie. Garrett is a lover of all things nerd-culture and the outdoors. Melissa loves afternoon naps (when she can get them) and chocolate covered raisins. They grew up at East Brainerd and have volunteered in children's, youth, and our young adult & college ministries.
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