The New Beginnings House is a place for women to start over. Here they can learn to walk with God, tap into the power of His Spirit, and are encouraged by a community of believers.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:2
About the House
New Beginnings house is available to women who are committed to starting over. Every woman in the New Beginnings house is part of a program called Transformation Project. These are women who struggle with life issues but are determined to make a change. A safe and secure temporary housing is made available while working and saving for their own housing. There is intense screening for acceptance int the house with background checks and careful monitoring. Visitation by family members take place at church on Sundays, at Wednesday meal nights, and in the park across the street. Security cameras are in place around the outside and in the public living areas of the house. The house has three bedrooms so there will be no more than three women at any time living at the house.
House Rules
Listed below are just some of the house rules the women follow while residing in the New Beginnings house.
- Residents are required to be a part of the Transformation Project. This is a God centered program which includes drug screening, life skill classes, daily calls to a coach, and attendance in church on Sunday. Additionally, on Wednesday evenings residents participate in a meal and bible study. Residents are encouraged to invite their families to join them.
- Residents are required to find employment or enroll in school as quickly as possible. They are to keep the house clean, maintain a peaceful environment, adhere to a curfew, pay minimal rent, be involved in some CR, AA, NA, or additional drug counseling as many evening as possible.
- No men or children are allowed in the house.
Opportunities for Serving the New Beginnings House
If you are interested in becoming involved with this ministry, please consider serving in the following ways:
- Teaching Bible Classes
- Teaching life skills like continuing education opportunities, nutrition, job application preparation, computer training, and child care.
- Providing transportation as needed
Oversight Board
- Ann Boyd - Licensed Senior Psychological Examiner
- Julia Horn - Registered Dietitian
- George McCleskey - Retired Exxon Executive
- Bo Walker - Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (DCSW)
Committee Heads
- Jackie Gault - Transportation/Cameras
- Anita Kapperman - Purchasing/Repairs
- Bonnie Safley - Binders Organizer
- Pat Walker - Technical/Cameras
- Julia Horn - Applicant Processor
- Vickie Abbott - Resident Intake/Drug Testing
- Estelle Bluhm - Financial
- Sherry Ricketson - Transitional TNDOC Report
How To Apply To Be A Resident
To obtain and application, contact East Brainerd Church of Christ:
7745 East Brainerd Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: 423-892-1389